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How To Treat Head Lice In Toronto

How To Treat Head Lice In Toronto

Are you looking for tips on how to treat head lice in Toronto?

Are you concerned that your child has come into contact with head lice? The first thing that you need to do is confirm that you child has a lice infestation. If you know exactly what to look for, you can probably figure out for yourself, but if you don't have any experience with head lice it is highly recommended that you take your child to a trained professional. They will confirm the infestation and then inform you about how to treat lice. In Toronto, a company that you can trust for head lice treatment tips as the most utilized head lice treatments in the GTA is Nitwits. We have years of experience with how to treat lice. Our Toronto lice removal company is the only lice removal clinic that has a service guarantee.

Nitwits is so confident of our results that we guarantee our services, provided:

  • Everyone living in your household receives a head check
  • Each person found to have lice is treated
  • A recheck is completed at the Nitwits Toronto Lice Clinic

If any (treated) person is found to still have lice at the end of the treatment cycle, we will retreat that person at no charge. That's a guarantee that you can trust.

DIY Head Lice Treatments In Toronto Can Be Effective If Used Properly

For over-the-counter (OTC) or diy head lice treatments in Toronto the best advice that we can give is to make certain that you follow the steps on the treatment carefully. Some other head lice treatment tips are to remove any clothes that could potentially become wet or stained if they come into contact with the lice treatment medication. It is not recommended that you should use any other type shampoo or conditioner before applying the head lice treatment. A tip from most professionals is to not wash the hair for at least 48 hours after the treatment has been applied to ensure that the medication has had efficient time to kill off any and all lice. If you would like to know more about how to treat lice in Toronto please contact Nitwits and speak to our highly-trained staff personally.

The Shepperd Method

All Services Guaranteed

Servicing the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Mississauga, Peel, York and Durham Regions


To have your questions answered or to book a hair lice removal session, call us at 416.546.4455.


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